Moving On From Unneeded Plugins

Have you checked your WordPress plugins lately? I mean, really checked them? Making sure they’re up to date is one thing. Clearing out abandoned or outdated plugins is another. Today, I want you to consider whether some are even worth keeping around.

How to Improve Your Organic Search Rankings

Are you looking for new ways to improve your search engine visibility and rankings? You’re not alone. With more than 4.4 billion active users, SEO is an ever-evolving and complex process for marketers of all levels – from the beginner to the expert user. To help make things easier, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide […]

Is it time for a new WordPress theme?

I wrote recently about what you can do when your WordPress plugins have abandoned you, but what can be done  your theme is the issue? On multiple occasions, clients have to come to us for clean-ups or redesigns of WordPress sites based around free themes. Free is a good thing, of course, but those themes […]

Have your WordPress plugins abandoned you?

One of the services we provide our many WordPress clients is a regularly scheduled upgrade of their site’s plugins. We do this to ensure they’ve got the latest developer releases that could be patching compatibility issues or vulnerabilities. Another important benefit, however, is recognizing when a plugin has stopped receiving updates by its developer or […]

Why We Recommend Securing Your Site With HTTPS

Why We Recommend Securing Your Entire Site With HTTPS What is HTTPS? HTTPS is an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. Put simply, HTTPS is a method of securely communicating information between a user’s browser and a web server. For over 20 years, Dynamics Online has applied HTTPS to client websites only on pages featuring […]

Cross-platform Security Tip

A quick security notice following an Adobe security announcement last week – It doesn’t matter if you run Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris or even Android operating system, if Adobe goes public about a security vulnerability in its Flash product, we highly recommended that you install the patch to protect against the problem. Learn more here.